
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian movement dressed up in bumper sticker Social Justice finery.

Twitter roll of truth by Protein Wisdom.
Mulder’s Rugged and Impenetrable White Fragility

As a .@Broncos fan, it is beyond disturbing to me that anti-Semitic / Farrakhan-fluffing language has been defended and repeated by .@ShannonSharpe and Malik Jackson.

When everyone in the Denver sports media was falling all over themselves to bow at the altar of BLM ...
I Tweeted many of them and warned that they were tethering themselves to a Marxist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian movement dressed up in bumper sticker Social Justice finery.

One of these people wrote back telling me I was a racist; another huffed, “we have Jews on staff!
The fact is, many of those — if not most — who run sites covering teams, are all either fairly recent graduates of our academic indoctrination mills, or else are terribly afraid of clapping back at empty platitudes and would rather just mouth the SJW liturgy...
...than potentially risk their livelihoods.

Let me put this bluntly: showing “solidarity” with BLM Inc is the EASIEST FUCKING THING IN AMERICA TO DO RIGHT NOW.

It buys you the cheapest of grace, and serves as a kind of verbal lambs blood smeared on a door jamb...
...with expectation that the Angel of Cancel Culture will skip your house.

I have heard weak condemnation of the anti-Semitic rants of those in the National Farrakhan League from a few of these erstwhile woke Uber-prog scolds; others have been largely silent.
As Mitch Albom points out in a column today, this very conspicuous variance in responses is not only troubling, it’s terrifying.

What it says to Jews is this: “stop whining. We progressives are trying to help black folk!”

It is paternalistic, but hardly surprising....

The subtext is that Jews, who have been the most scapegoated people in history (and who aren’t even a race, outside Hitler and Farrakhan’s desires to proclaim it such), have done well-enough that hatred turned on them, when even acknowledged, “distracts” from the REAL hatred....
...supposedly still aimed at blacks.

This is rank nonsense: hate crimes against Jews are very real — and are now rolling into the rhetoric of BLM marches.

Meanwhile, hate crimes against blacks — coming out of 2 terms with a black president — are so rare...
...that hoaxes seem to exceed real cases.

Bakke opened up affirmative action programs for certain minorities but not others; Jews and Asians don’t really count.

We’ve had a Civil Rights Act, the Great Society, the War on Poverty, criminal justice reform, opportunity zones...
— and yet here we are, at a time when — pre-Covid — blacks, Hispanics, women, etc., all enjoyed historical low rates of unemployment. Wages were rising for lower-income groups more than they were for higher income brackets. And so the great irony of BLM...
...and the pasty-white woke progs who are it’s most rabid — yet self-neutered — foot soldiers, is that they were called to war *to fight real and demonstrable progress*, mostly through a siren call of wealthy, relatively young, black athletes whose understanding of history...
...seems to come largely from critical race theory, Howard Zinn, Louis Farrakhan, and the Tweets of Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James — each of whom makes bank off of communist China or child labor or some other human rights abuse that is hidden safely from daily view.
Meanwhile, Hasidic Jews are beaten in Brooklyn; synagogues are routinely defaced in LA and other major cities; BLM protesters chant against “Jewish aggression”; and a bunch of risk-averse, talking-head eunuch sports babblers routinely glom on to the latest approved woke trend.
We see the double standard. We recognize the profound cowardice. We despise the diminishment of what they see but pretend not to see — save for a few perfunctory words about all hate being bad.

It’s puerile relativism masquerading as social justice.

It’s anything but.
So, @CodyRoarkNFL, @ChadNJensen @NickKendellMHH @NickiJhabvala @dmac1043 @NickFerguson_25 @JoRo_NFL @redwardsradio @AllbrightNFL @markschlereth @MaseDenver @RyanKoenigsberg @byesline @ZacStevensDNVR — how about some greater consideration to how WE feel when you celebrate...
...and lionize those whose path to adopting the racial supremacist tropes of Hitler and Farrakhan and Stalin and Angela Davis happen to fall within the bailiwick of your coverage?
How about you stop slobbering over AOC and other hard leftists who promote Hamas, Hezbollah, BDS, and the delegitimization of Israel?

How about instead of gaslighting listeners with the BS narrative that Kaepernick’s kneeling was “never about the flag,” you read his own words.
— or is it best just to interpret for him — or Desean Jackson, or Shannon Sharpe, or Malik Jackson, or Malcolm Jenkins — and let us know what they * really meant* from your perches, where you are a necessary translator for people who maybe you believe ....
...just aren’t very articulate.

I am not now, nor have I ever been a special pleader for hatred aimed at Jews.

But it’s real. And a lot of it is coming from a movement you RUSHED to stand with.

9 unarmed black men were killed last year. In only a handful of cases...
...were the shootings deemed unjustified. Charges were brought against those officers.

Blacks and Hispanics make up a significant percentage of police forces — which are now being cut or defunded on a lie, with literal peer-reviewed studies being *retracted*...
...for reaching the “wrong” conclusions based on actual, empirical data.

You want to stan for anti-bigotry? Do some research into where that bigotry truly becomes manifest — not in Kafka-trap junk theories about “systemic racism” or “white fragility,” but in looting...
...& vandalism & arson & unprovoked beatings & stabbings & shootings.

Or don’t.

But I needed you all to know that, while you may think the culture is on your side, a big core of it isn’t.

You won’t be eaten last by the crocodile; but I’m sure it’s a pleasing fiction.

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