
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

TINVOWOOT (Interesting think piece)

 For those who don't already know it, the headline to this post is an acronym meaning "There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This".  We're in an existential struggle for the life of the American constitutional republic, and facing enemies on all sides.  Unless and until we wake up to the fact that we're in a war, and going to have to react accordingly, we will lose every time.  What's more, so far, that war has been relatively peaceful - but there's no guarantee it'll remain that way.

The progressive leftists who fraudulently took control of our Administration are tireless in their efforts, and determined to make us obey their every whim.  Any and every act of resistance, or refusal to see things their way, will be treated as rebellion, domestic terrorism, extremism, racism, or any other -ism they can use against us.  As the anonymous blogger who writes at NC Renegade points out:

The United States of America is dead. It no longer exists. We are now ruled by Communist. You best get your mind wrapped around that. You only have the illusion of freedom as long as you do as you are told and be a good little peasant. If you are here reading this, you are an enemy of the state. Sooner or later they will come for you and decisions will have to be made. These Communist hate us, they hate everything we stand for. They aim to eradicate us. They don’t even hide their intentions anymore, they tell us on the mainstream media what they intend to do. Are you listening? If you think you can just be silent and obedient and they will leave you alone, you best think again. These people hate you and they are out to replace you. They want everything that we stand for GONE!

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