
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Dangerous Men Are Free Men

 Note how BLM and "antifa" don't go after Muslims, Black Gangbangers, or the "barrio."  

That fear is the fundamental driving force behind the politics of contemporary Western societies can be seen everywhere—if only the rest of us muster the will to accept it. 

Hispanic gangbangers aren’t the only ones SJWs refuse to confront. BLM and their allies also fear the most egregious violators of black lives: black criminals.  

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, this woke refusal to call out Bloods, Crips, and other black lowlifes has nothing to do with racial loyalty on the part of black proponents of BLM, or “white guilt” on the part of white liberals. The brutal, relentless attacks that SJWs launch against blacks who are conservative is sufficient to prove this point in spades. 

When the Patriots encountered the British troops who came for their weapons they shot and killed them.  There may have been letters to the editor and complaints of unfair treatment, but the truth is that the American Revolution was violent and bloody.  It was violence that made American independent from Britain.

Consider if we are facing another tyranny, this time from a Ruling Class that deprives us of our freedom and establishes a two-tier justice system.  

 That America’s founders bequeathed to future generations the Second Amendment is all of the proof we need that they grasped the truth of this claim. And it is the Second Amendment, i.e. the codification of the right of all people to defend themselves against the violent, that they proposed as the solution for decent people.  

If they were alive today, the founders would insist that decent folks who want to live good lives and protect themselves, their loved ones, and other law-abiding citizens in their communities from danger most definitely not follow the example of “conservative leaders,” whether in government or anywhere else, who are only interested in adjusting their bowties, wagging their fingers, and shrieking and crying over the Left’s “double standards” while conning their constituents into thinking that they are “fighting the Left.” 

Conservatism, Inc.’s leaders are looking out for themselves. Their standard operating procedure is the stuff of wusses and whiners—but certainly not winners. Decent people, and decent men specifically, know that in the last analysis, it is they and they alone—and not, as those in Big Conservatism would have us think, state agents—who are the last line of defense protecting innocents from predators. This being the case, the decent know that they must become ruthless. 

They must become the stuff of nightmares—but the nightmares of bad and dangerous people. The only thing necessary for bad men to triumph is for good men to do nothing, Burke memorably noted. Yet good men, as Jordan Peterson correctly observed, must be dangerous men.  

To this end, the good man must spare not a moment to train, in both body and mind, to become the monster that he may need to become in order to slay the monsters that prey upon the vulnerable—whomever these monsters happen to be. 

To put it another way, decent folks—if their goal is to defend themselves from violent attackers—must avoid training in any “combat” sport. The Second Amendment, after all, does not exist for the sake of protecting citizens’ right to go to a shooting range, to hunt, or to otherwise engage in gun-related games. It exists—and let’s be blunt—to protect citizens’ right to kill those who would harm them and their own. 

Unless the right to defend oneself is exercised, all other rights are fakes. Fear and violence are the butter to the bread of our politics. The founders knew it. 

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