
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Given CNN’s “Propaganda,” How Can We Avoid Paranoia When They Really Are Out to Get Us?


They are really out to destroy you.  How should Christians react?   Good question!

There Is No American Exception to Decadence

We shouldn’t be blithely confident of the future of our country. We have no margin for smugness. Ronald Reagan was dead right to warn us that freedom is only one generation away from extinction anywhere. There’s no American exception to that. Now our schoolchildren are learning that the US was founded to stop King George from freeing the slaves. How confident should we be of how they’ll run the place in our old age?

Yes, we ought to be angry. Not full of destructive rage, nor looking for handy scapegoats. We must avoid at all costs targeting ethnic or religious groups. Our foes are individuals, maybe gathered into conspiracies, but our issue with them isn’t their origins. It’s their free, willful decisions. We have no quarrel with the innocent, and don’t need to make (or make up) new enemies.

We must be ready to reach out and accept new allies, in fact. For decades I’ve watched in horror as my fellow Yalie Naomi Wolf promoted radical feminist policies. Now I see her awakened by the COVID dictatorship to the goodness and fragility of our Constitutional freedoms. She’s appearing on Eric Metaxas’s and Steve Bannon’s programs. I’m impressed, exalted, and humbled. I didn’t know she had it in her. Just goes to show you that God’s grace still operates. May it carry on in her heart, and millions of others’.

Till then, we need the low-burning, implacable anger that Winston Churchill carried while fighting the Nazi high-tech barbarians. The deep, metaphysical outrage that Alexander Solzhenitsyn maintained over decades toward the fanatics who wrecked his country. It’s that kind of anger, based in facts and principles, that goaded our founding fathers to finally break our ties with Britain. Because it’s built on reflection, and the love for our fellow citizens, such anger can subside when our enemies are defeated. If they show genuine repentance, it can grow into forgiveness.

But not before then. God still loves the unrepentant, but he doesn’t rush to forgive them. They must leave their various pigsties, and wend their way back to the Father’s house. And then we can embrace them.

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