
Thursday, March 10, 2022

The "Worst ruling Class In History" is asking us to sacrifice for Ukraine. No thanks. Go by yourself.

The Worst Ruling Class in History used your tax dollars to pay for the development of viruses that infected the whole world, killing millions.  They lied about it, and to cover up their crimes they gave you lock-downs, vaccines that kill, masked toddlers, closed schools, ruined businesses, wealthy American oligarchs, stolen elections, empty store shelves, high utility bills, millions of illegal surging through our borders, a lying press, political prisoners, men claiming to be women and women claiming to be men, burning cities, mobs in the streets,, criminals released from jail, two-tier justice, widespread censorship, secret bioweapons labs, virulent racism taught in schools, record inflation, $9 gas, and a President that's mentally impaired. 

Now they want to start a nuclear war.

Kurt Schlichter has a better idea.

No, we’ve sacrificed enough to the foreign policy screw-ups of Ivy League incompetents. Who got us into the Vietnam War? Who got us into Iraq? Not a lot of guys with high school diplomas, but those guys got asked to fight those wars. The same is true here. I see a lot of Twitter tough guys with the yellow and blue flag in their bios and not a lot of them seem to be accepting Ukraine’s appeal for fighters and enlisting in the Bill Kristol Brigade.

Hey, don’t worry – these same neo-commandos will cheer you and your kids on when we go make Ukraine safe for Ukrainians. Your sacrifices will be appreciated, plebs, right up until it’s convenient to start calling you racist, Jesus knuckle-draggers again. 

Now, the regime media’s polls tell you a whole bunch of Americans would support a “no-fly” zone over Ukraine. ...

These people are fools who talk big but think little. ... Instead of polling “Would you support making the Russians stop acting like Russians always do in wars?” maybe we ask “Would you risk Putin – who we are told is crazy and evil – retaliating by detonating a nuclear weapon over your hometown and potentially melting your kids into radioactive goo in order to resolve a border dispute on the dismal side of the globe?”

I anticipate a significantly smaller “Yes” percentage when you ask the right question. ...

We need to reject the idea that we must sacrifice according to the dictates of our elite’s fetishes. We owe the Ukrainians nothing. We have no treaty with them – please do not quote vague promises of protection by Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit’s husband that were never ratified as a treaty by our Senate – and let’s be frank about the reality of the situation. Ukraine is on Russia’s border. Our lousy ruling class’s meddling in Ukrainian politics was going to be seen by the Bear as a threat. Saying so is not somehow backing Russia; it’s reality, something in short supply. Try knowing your enemy – it helps beat him....

You can still want the Ukrainians to repel the invaders without also buying the notion that we should sacrifice blood, treasure, and our rights to do it. This unjust war is the Ukrainians’ to fight. I hope they win. Most of us do. But the idea that we Americans must “sacrifice” our lives, money, and freedoms is itself as great a danger to our country as this border war on the other side of our planet. 

We are Americans. Our first priority is America. And our terrible ruling caste should step up and sacrifice its own graft and power in order to defend it.

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