
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Virginian Pilot Supports Sexual Grooming Your toddler


The Virginian Pilot headline: Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs "Don't Say Gay" bill into law.  

In keeping with its far-Left advocacy stance, the editors at the Virginian Pilot joined sexual perverts who want to "groom" toddlers by calling the bill the "Don't Say Gay" bill.  The bill says nothing about "gay" and never uses that language. That is the way the issue is being framed by pedophiles and advocates of transgender surgery for young people.  

Apparently, there are not enough sexually disturbed people to go around so these advocates believe that indoctrinating toddlers is a way of increasing their victims.  

The sponsors of the bill, Governor DeSantis, and the vast majority of the American people don't think that classroom instruction in Kindergarten through third grade about subjects such as sexual orientation and gender identity is appropriate.  

Apparently, the editors of the Virginian Pilot and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community believe that it's perfectly proper.  The Virginian Pilot is on the side that says that parents have no right to protect their children from being taught that little Johhny could become Little Susie with the proper surgery and the proper hormone treatments before he's old enough to learn to read, write and do long division.  

One has to wonder how many sexually disturbed people work at the Virginian Pilot and whether you would entrust your children to them.   I believe that they will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry public.  As the last election in Virginia demonstrated, you don't mess around with people's children.  That gets people angry, and angry people stop being nice.  

Found in the Virginia Pilot, Tuesday, March 29, 2022, page 7.

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