
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Truth Hurts, And It Will Hurt Leftists Most


So, the media is really mad that conservatives publicized how a hospital that admitted – hell, that proudly put on its website – how it mutilates kids to conform them to their (or their Munchausen mommies’) gender delusions actually mutilates kids to conform them to their (or their Munchausen mommies’) gender delusions. No, it didn’t, we were told. But it did. Moreover, telling the truth – again, a truth the hospital admitted and even kind of bragged about – was actual, literal violence. Yes, stating what the abattoir masquerading as a hospital said it did publicly was terrorism or something because normal people were naturally repelled at this hideous continuing atrocity.

The truth is problematic because it contradicts the narrative which, in this case, is “Of course we don’t chop up children to make them into bizarre simulacrums of the opposite gender.” But the narrative doesn’t stop there – no, the narrative is also “And it’s a good thing to chop up children to make them into bizarre simulacrums of the opposite gender. Shut up, transphobes.”

See, they deny doing it even though they also think it’s a groovy thing to do. Then they tell you that you are evil for speaking the truth. It’s like the whole CRT shell game. “CRT? Why, that’s a graduate school theory that is not taught in schools despite those documents we prepared stating that we are teaching CRT. Also, CRT cannot be removed from schools because it is a good thing that we must teach. Shut up racists.”

And let’s not forget the delightful euphemism of late-term abortion. “Why no, no one ever aborts a fetus at eight months, three weeks. Also, it’s vital to women’s health to kill babies at eight months, three weeks. Why do you hate women?”

The truth hurts, so the left just sort of hand waves the truth into oblivion and accuses you for bringing it up. Why allow bourgeois concepts like objective truth to get in the way of the Official Approved Narrative?

Well, because the truth matters.

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