
Saturday, April 08, 2023

The world according to the Virginian Pilot April 8, 2023

  •  Virginian Pilot teams up with the New Times in a pitch-perfect Bhagdad Bob story about the Trump indictment and its aftermath.  The lies never end, but the story ends with the ridiculous claim that the "Defund the FBI" slogan is actually a result of his indictment.  The truth is that many normal people have long viewed the FBI, the DOJ, and the IRS as dangerous because they have been weaponized by the Democrats to harass, arrest and imprison their political opponents.  
  • Virginian Pilot mentions then covers up the sexualization of second-grade students in Portsmouth.
  • North Caroline Republicans announce bill to stop child abuse.  According to the news media, sexually confused children with a high risk of suicide should have their sex organs removed and injected with life-altering hormones to treat their adolescent confusion.  They call this "gender-affirming care."  Normal people call it child abuse.
  • Global warming will push hurricanes to the coast, says the Virginian Pilot and climate scientist with a large government grant.  Is there anything that global warming can't do?
  • Many Americans now see college as a financial rip-off and a danger to the nation, where impressionable children are indoctrinated to hate each other and their country while accumulating hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.  
  • The press lives sexual perversions, men who make a mockery of women by competing in their sports and dressing up like hookers.  They supported a mentally challenged man who told Black people that they were not Black unless they voted for him.  And they can't get enough of the FBI arresting people who went to a Trump rally in Washington, DC.  But they can devote to whole columns to attacking Marjorie Taylor Green, a vigorous defender of traditional American values and not afraid to do so in public.  
  • The NHL is questioning whether to continue its support of sexual perversions as more players and teams are opting out.  The Virginian Pilot finds a professor who thinks that's a bad thing.
  • The Public Editors slipped up and actually printed one letter that made sense.
  • Still no mention of the $30 million passed on the Obama re-election campaign by Asian criminal mastermind.

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