
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama thinks he's God's partner.

We are God's partners in matters of life and death," - Barack Obama.

I am a Christian and a humble, sinful, follower of Christ, the Son of God.

The thought that anyone would claim the mantle of God's partnership is - in my estimation - the province of people so deluded that they should be committed to an insane asylum.

The comments to a group of Liberal rabbis were poster on twitter, and then quickly erased as they went viral on the internet. That may have had something to do with Rush Limbaugh publicizing his comments.

Via Hot Air:

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a believer be so presumptuous as to say we’re “partners” with God on the ultimate question, let alone one who’s pushing a government program that’s got people worried about “death panels,” but oh well. Water off an atheist’s back, baby. In fact, partnership’s actually a nice conceptual framework for The One’s position on abortion: God’s the junior partner and we’re the senior partners, and sometimes the senior partner has to exercise his/her veto



  1. We partner with God when we become people He can guide and use to fulfill His purposes here on earth.

    Kevin Brennfleck and Kay Marie Brennfleck on Pat Robertson’s CBN website

  2. People who view God as their “partner” have a strange idea of God. A partner is somewhere on the same level.

    I am a humble, imperfect servant of God, striving to know and do his will. The thought of partnering up, perhaps making a few meaningful suggestions for how He should run the universe is bizarre.

    Obama is exposing his God complex. Putting him on Mt. Rushmore, a mere equal to other presidents is beneath him. He demands space among the pantheon of Gods.

  3. thisishabitforming10:50 AM

    This president appealing to Jews to help him after giving a ton of money to the Palestinians in Gaza while telling Israelis they shouldn't build houses in Jerusalem is pure chutzpah.
    Besides, I don't think God needs Obama for a partner, he has Jesus and the Holy Spirit all lined up.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Point of clarification: Being "partners with God" actually is a Jewish concept. It is said that when on the sixth day of Creation, when God created man and woman, He left the world incomplete/imperfect/etc. in order for humans to be His partners in "repairing the world" (Hebrew: tikkun olam).

    But liberal Jewry has coopted "tikkun olam" to mean basically pushing the liberal/Democrat platform.

    So my beef isn't with the "partners with God" concept; it's with the belief of these liberal rabbis and Obama - who no doubt *deliberately* chose that turn of phrase - that the only way to be partners with God is to adopt his soulless liberty-suppressing health (s)care bill.

    1. The 27 Characteristics of the AntiChrist:

      1. He comes from among ten kings in the restored Roman Empire; his authority will have similarities to the ancient Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks [Daniel 7:24; Rev 13:2 / Daniel 7:7]

      Obama: American president has similarities to Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks.

      2. He will subdue three kings [Daniel 7:8, 24]

      3. He is diverse from the other kings [Daniel 7:24]

      4. He will rise from obscurity…a “little horn” [Daniel 7:8]

      5. He will speak boastfully [Daniel 7:8; Rev 13:5]

      Obama: Change we can [blindly] believe in...

      6. He will blaspheme God, [Daniel 7:25; 11:36; Rev 13:5] slandering His Name, dwelling place, and departed Christians and Old Testament saints [Rev 13:6]

      7. He will oppress the saints and be successful for 3 ½ years [Daniel 7:25; Rev 13:7]

      8. He will try to change the calendar, perhaps to define a new era, related to himself [Daniel 7:25]

      9. He will try to change the laws, perhaps to gain an advantage for his new kingdom and era
      [Dan 7:25]

      10. He will not be succeeded by another earthly ruler, but by Christ [Daniel 7:26-27]

      11. He will confirm a covenant with “many” [Daniel 9:27]
      This covenant will likely involve the establishment of a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem
      [see Dan 9:27; Matt 24:15]

      12. He will put an end to Jewish sacrifice and offerings after 3 ½ years and will set up an abomination to God in the Temple [Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15]

      13. He will not answer to a higher earthly authority; “He will do as he pleases”[Daniel 11:36]

      President of the New World Order

      14. He will show no regard for the religion of his ancestors [Daniel 11:37]

      15. He will not believe in any god at all [except for himself] [Daniel 11:37]

      16. He will have "no regard for the desire of women"[Dan 11:37]

      17. He will claim to be greater than any god [Daniel 11:37; 2 Thess 2:4]

      18. He will claim to be God [2 Thessalonians 2:4]

      19. He will only honor a “god” of the military. His whole focus and attention will be on his military. He will conquer lands and distribute them [Daniel 11:39-44]

      20. His arrival on the world scene will be accompanied by miracles, signs and wonders [2 Thess 2:9]

      21. Either he, or his companion [The False Prophet], will claim to be Christ [Matt 24:21-28]

      22. He will claim that Jesus did not come in the flesh, or that Jesus did not rise bodily from the grave [2 John 7]. He will deny that Jesus is the Messiah [I John 2:22]

      23. He will be worshipped by many people [Rev. 13:8]

      Obama: I would have to say this is true...

      24. He will hate a nation that initially will have some control over his kingdom, but he will destroy this nation [Rev 17:16-18]

      25. He will appear to survive a fatal injury [Rev. 13:3; 17:8]

      26. His name will be related to the number six hundred and sixty six [Rev 13:17-18].

      27. He will be empowered by the devil himself [Rev. 13:2]
