
Friday, August 21, 2009

Phil Hamilton pulls an Obama

The Virginian Pilot exposes lawmaker ODU severs ties with Del. Hamilton at teacher center
Delegate Phil Hamilton’s wife must not have wanted the job. When the Obamas needed extra income, they got Michelle a job

After Barack Obama became an Illinois state legislator, his wife moved up as well, scoring a job as 'vice president of community relations' at the University Of Chicago Hospital for a very generous salary of $121,910. When Obama became a senator in 2005, her 'salary' leapfrogged to $$316,962 for the same job...and one of Senator Obama's first acts in office was to see to it that the hospital received over a million dollars of your tax dollars as an earmark.

Well, Michelle has moved on,and guess what...that vital job of hers,worth a salary of over $300 K has been quietly eliminated.

It's the Chicago Way, cushy no-show jobs in exchange for political patronage...fist bump.

Here's the lovely lady with the "toned arms" now:

Phil Hamilton came a lot cheaper than Michelle and took the job himself. His wife must have wanted to stay at home. Oh wait, Michelle didn’t come in to work at her “no-show” job either. Hamilton needs to study up on how the big boys and girls do it.

It's good to have this sort of thing exposed. If you are a legislator who needs some extra money and can get it by steering the public's money to people who will pay, it's called by its proper name: corruption. Of course it helps if the newspapers turn a blind eye to your pay for play schemes. But for that you have to have a "D" after your name.

I wonder if Phil Hamilton came to work?


  1. Unfortunately things like this have become the norm with American politicians. The citizens of the 93rd District do deserve much more from anyone they elect. Are we sure it not time for Phil to move on to something else?
    “A long habit of NOT thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT” Thomas Paine

  2. Anonymous12:49 PM

    It is interesting to see the doom and gloom comments all over here. I have one question. What have you personally done to change it? Have you given big to a politician or candidate that you trust? Have you really worked hard (more than a few hours time)to get someone you trust elected? I don't mean a few twenty dollar bills, I mean thousands and days of your time? If you are willing to spend more money and time on a vacation than getting a good person elected to office, how can it all be so important to you? To get good people to run and serve, takes a commitment that just is not usally given by anyone now days. So we have angry and cranky people who "talk the talk, but do not walk the walk".

    That is what is wrong with America today. To many have a complaint, but really don't want to pay up in resources or time to get a proper result. So we end up with the candidates supported by special interests who will pay and support their candidates for office and it shows. So if you are not willing to give more than what you spend on a dinner or can only give an hour or so of your time, you have nothing to complain about as you got what you paid for or invest in to show for your efforts.

    Thanks for being part of the new American experiment in apathy and big talk.

  3. Anon @9:49.

    I would get a refund on the Dale Carnegie course you took. First of all you know nothing about me or what I have done or contributed. Second, if you were trying to inspire me to do something you are a miserable failure.

    Let me leave it at that.
