
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Are Latinos the Nazis in Arizona?

No, I'm not talking about the swastikas the pro-illegal rioters painted on government buildings. 

My comment is directed at the Progressives who label the supporters of the new law on illegal immigration "Nazis."  It seems that - not only are 70% of all Arizonans in favor of the law (the Nazis never had that level of support before) but a majority of Latinos do also.  Does that make Latinos "Nazis?"

The assumption that Democrats "win" on the immigration issue is counter-intutive.  Most people oppose illegal immigration.  I'm an immigrant and know lots of other immigrants.  We are even more opposed to illegal immigration than the average American who did not immigrate.  We followed the rules, we stood in line.  Now we see others cutting in line ahead of us and people like us.  Unlike Americans who never had to stand in line to be citizens, we are even more outraged.

But the assumption is made that Latinos will side with fellow Latinos  in a show of racial or ethnic solidarity.  Don't be so sure.  In fact, legal Latino immigrants are more disadvantaged than native Americans by illegal immigration.  Those are "their" jobs that are being taken by illegals who will do day labor without paying taxes at very low wages.  It is in their communities that most of the violent crime takes place.  It is they who are suspected of being illegal by the white and black community.  They understand the impact of illegal immigration better than most, much better than the fat assed bigots who draw the cartoons or write the editorials without having to compete for jobs with illegal immigrants. 

So what do the polls say?  Rasmussen did a poll and here is the breakdown:
Among Whites,    73% favor and 20% oppose the law.
Among Blacks,    50% favor and 50% oppose the law.
Among "Other,"   63% favor, 36% oppose the law.
Who or what ethnic group in Arizona do you imagine "other" refers to?  There are not that many Eskimos in Arizona.

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