
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why 'tea party' defenders won't let N-word claims rest

For forever, Republicans and Conservatives have cowered as they were accused of racism.  A popular governor of Virginia, George Allen, was defeated for using the term "macaca" which was interpreted by the Liberal press as a racist term. 

Do you know what "macaca" means?  Have you ever heard it used as a racist term?  Me neither.  But no matter.  If the Liberal press calls you a racist, you had to bow down and apologize.  And you had to hope that people would forget, which the MSM would not allow, until after their particular battle, be it an election or issue was won in their favor.

No more.

Some Liberal ass wipe at Politico, Ben Smith,
Tweeted a response to Breitbart about the lack of takers on the bounty: "I think you've pretty much won this one, no?"
No, Ben.  We will not have won until scum like you grovel.  Until we hear an apology which we won't accept because we won't accept "sorry if I offended anyone" from dirtbags like you.  Your lies will follow you around like a bad smell; people will see you coming and walk on the osther side of the steet.  They will shun your kids once they know that their father or mother is a journalist.   

Won this one?  Ben, it hasn't even begun.  The issue won't go aaway because you want it to go.  This will be the scandal that boomerangs.  Big Time!

1 comment:

  1. Really fabulous party!very impressive information on tea party.
