
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Revolution

I had been enamored of progressivism, socialism, all the other "isms." But when Obama came on the scene and liberals starting acting like maniacs, I viewed the underbelly of the Left.

And that was it. In the blink of an eye, I saw that liberalism had rotted away. In time, I discovered that progressivism was a bogus idea to begin with.

The Left had captivated me with its grandiose schemes. It was a no-brainer to believe that humans -- that is, educated, erudite, city folks -- could perfect the world.

And now, two years into recovery, I'm still waking up from the world's worst hangover. Each day, I shake my head in wonderment: "What in the world was I thinking?"

Each day, I'm sucker-punched by the people whom I had trusted -- the Nancy Pelosis and Obamas of the world. I thought that Leftists were mini-messiahs who would save me. They are, in fact, "power-hungry, delusional demigods," as Mark Levin put it so pithily.

And the most recent aftershock: ObamaCare. It's horrifying that the Left would ram this law through against the expressed will of the American people.

Our Founding Fathers would be incredulous to see who we've become. Our government resembles the monarchy that they fought hard to escape.

We've become a country with little humility or honor. We're a place of demands and gripes and gimme-gimme.

Illegals demand citizenship, aggrieved groups demand "justice," and millions want something for nothing.

With all this hollering and demanding, it matters little how this power is amassed. If the Constitution is trashed, if the working person is bled dry, so what? The nation is engaged in one big, collective temper tantrum.

Out of this moral abyss comes Obama. No ordinary Democrat like Bill or Hillary or the Johns (Kerry and Edwards) would do. It had to be someone like Obama.

Raised by morally deficient people, Obama was spotted and groomed early on. The Left's movers and shakers recognized Obama's potential. They simply observed how Obama behaved in Chicago -- for instance, his seamless alliance with the corrupt slumlord Tony Rezko.

Obama force-feeds the public a cornucopia of leftist schemes. If he skirts the Constitution or dispatches SEIU thugs, that's okay by him.

With the radicals in charge of the henhouse, I should be dancing in the streets. I should be all Vive la Revolution.

But a funny thing happened on my way to the revolution. That lightning bolt hit, and I changed forever.

And now I see that that progressivism is simply children acting out, thumbing their noses at Mommy and Daddy and God Himself. This explains the perpetual temper tantrums and the lost, vacant looks.

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