
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obama is the Left's worst nightmare.

They got all they wanted, except ... the revolution.

The worst thing that could have happened for American Blacks, Jews, gays and the assorted zoo that occupies the Democrat's tent.

Commentary on American Jews and Obama:

What more can be said? Are mere words sufficient? By now we know that Jew haters are never deterred by facts—only by force. We also know that the Arab-Muslim world has brainwashed its citizens and the world with a steady stream of blood libels against Jews and Israel. The United Nations, international human rights organizations, the world media, and the world’s so-called intelligentsia have all piled on, as have President Obama and his carefully chosen advisors. Obama, who bowed to the Saudi King, and who publicly shamed the Israeli Prime Minister, has also, for the first time, decided to sell no bunker buster bombs to Israel and to manufacture a sham crisis over Israel building apartments in north Jerusalem — all in order to “impose” a solution (hopefully not another Final Solution) on Jewish Israel.

In early 2004, eight months after my book The New Anti-Semitism was published, I wrote that, in a sense, a new Holocaust had already begun in Israel.

At the time, the leaders of the major American Jewish organizations paid absolutely no attention to what I’d written—or, when we found ourselves on a panel, actually mocked me as “the Jewish Cassandra.” Ken Jacobson of the ADL did so at a panel at Columbia. I hope I am no Cassandra; no one listened to the Trojan princess who bore that name and Troy went down in flames. From the beginning of the Intifada of 2000, well-heeled professional American Jews in handsome three piece suits, herd-animals, self-important cowards, continued to deny and minimize the danger and to assure their funders that the alarmists were wrong, that they—the men in the suits–had it “all under control.” How could it be otherwise? They were dining with Arab oil Sheiks and attending interfaith conferences at five star hotels. They were okay—it must mean that the rest of us were okay too.

Back in the fall of 2003, Abe Foxman of the ADL finally published his book about anti-Semitism; the book saw little danger emanating from the Islamic and Islamist world. To Foxman, the Christian right wing still remained the major threat. In 2003, when Congressman Tom Lantos wanted to create a U.S. government Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, I was told, repeatedly, that Foxman was trying to block this effort. Perhaps my information is incorrect, but I doubt it. Of course, my sources will not go on record because Foxman wields far too much power. In 2004, when Lantos’ Office was, nevertheless, created, Foxman immediately issued a press release “welcoming” the government’s move and appearing to take some credit for it too. In 2004, Foxman raised holy hell about Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ. First, he saw Gibson as “anti-Semitic,” saw the film itself as either “anti-Semitic,” or not “anti-Semitic” but “painful.” Foxman feared it could “fuel latent anti-Semitism.” Of course, no Christians have perpetrated pogroms against Jews. However, during this time, Muslim Islamists have perpetrated countless barbarous pogroms against Christians and Jews in the Middle East and in the Muslim world.

Every so often, Foxman will issue a press release about “Islamic extremism,” but really taking it on would offend his largely liberal Jewish base and so he comments on specific incidents but has not launched a campaign of any kind against Islamism. Or against radical jihad. Nor has he conducted a campaign to condemn “Islamophobia” as a false concept. On the contrary, Foxman has seen “Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and Christianphobia” as similar and related realities.

They are not. And, when someone serious actually tries to wrestle with the growing danger of Islamism/political Islam, Foxman goes out of his way to attack that person. I am thinking here of Foxman’s 2009 condemnation of Wilders, a principled man who is under siege for his views.
This year, I tried to watch Schindler’s List, which aired on HBO. I have seen it before. Now, I could barely watch it. I see how easily it could happen again. Yes, I know: Israel is a well-armed, nuclear ghetto. I know that Israel is also strong culturally and economically. (Many European Jews were also strong culturally and economically). But, I sense our incredible vulnerability. Jews are irrationally hated in a world that stood by and did nothing to stop the massacres of civilians in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Sudan—and the world had no blood lust for any of these victims. The world chose not to stop the Islamist terrorism against Israeli civilians and, in so doing, has now reaped the whirlwind of similar Islamist and jihadist homicide bombers. This comeuppance gives me no pleasure.

Wisely, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu chose not to attend the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. Why cross oceans to be insulted, shunned, shamed, blamed? More important: Why waste time when the 46 countries in attendance are not yet prepared to stop Iran from going nuclear? Who would rather stop Israel’s launch of a pre-emptive attack than stop Iran from penetrating Tel Aviv (or Mecca) with a nuclear bomb.

However, Prime Minister Netanyahu just delivered a speech at Mount Herzl as part of Yom Hashoah Day. Gain strength from his strong and inspiring words. He said, in part,

“Today, 65 years after the Holocaust, we must say in all honesty that what is most outrageous is the absence of outrage. The world gradually accepts Iran’s statements of destruction against Israel and we still do not see the necessary international determination to stop Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons. But if we have learned anything from the lessons of the Holocaust, it is that we must not remain silent and be deterred in the face of evil.

I call on all enlightened countries to rise up to forcefully and firmly condemn Iran’s destructive intentions and to act with genuine determination to stop it from acquiring nuclear weapons. These are the three lessons of the Holocaust: fight evil, teach good deeds and fortify your strength.

My friends, where does our strength come from? From our unity, from our heritage, from our common past and future. Together, we treasure our past. Together, we forge the path to our future. We are not here by chance. We returned to this land because it is our land; we returned to Zion because it is our city. We are paving roads north and south, and transforming a barren land into a flourishing garden. This is our answer to those who seek our destruction. As the prophet Isaiah said:

‘Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; and it shall be to the Lord for a memorial, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off… Even unto them will I give in My house and within My walls a monument and a memorial…I will give them an everlasting memorial, that shall not be cut off.’”

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