
Thursday, May 28, 2020

How is Gov. Cuomo Not Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter?

Gov. Cuomo has been gaming the system in order not to attribute deaths due to Covid-19 to infections caught in nursing homes. According to Betsy McCaughey writing at Fox, the number of deaths as a result of Cuomo’s nursing home policy is “likely closer to 10,000.” That number would be near half of the 23,564 cororna virus deaths NY has experienced to date...

Given the state of knowledge on March 25, when Cuomo and Zucker enacted their policy, it is fair to say that New York’s policy amounted to a death sentence for many nursing home residents — deaths that would not have occurred but for this policy. And it is fair to say that both Cuomo and Zucker knew it. It is also textbook involuntary manslaughter. 18 U.S. Code § 1112, defines the federal crime of Manslaughter as the commission, “without due caution and circumspection, of a lawful act which might produce death.” The President should invite the AG to begin an appropriate investigation.

This case is like the drunk who kills someone in a traffic accident. He may not have intended to kill anyone but he is guilty of manslaughter.

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