
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It’s as if the New York Times target audience is every foreign enemy of the United States.

On Saturday, the editorial board posted an Op-Ed titled, “Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?”...

It’s as if their target audience is every foreign enemy of the United States.

The editorial board at the Times is made up of people who, quite frankly, don’t get out and meet real America much. When they’re offensive to conservatives we know it’s part of the mission statement. This Op-Ed, though, seems like they’re even out of touch with mainstream Democrats.

I’ve done a lot of overseas shows for the troops with liberal comics from New York and Los Angeles. They are all very pro-military and, although I haven’t spoken to any of them this weekend, would probably find this to be greatly offensive.

Journalism Isn’t Dead, But It’s On Life Support

There is actually still some real journalism going on out there, just not at the Times. State-level bloggers on both sides of the aisle are doing some good work. Newspapers are a lost cause though, I’m afraid.

Read the whole thing.

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