
Monday, May 25, 2020

Never before has a country's elite class despised it's own country this way.

I'm not sure.  From my reading of history, it's fairly common knowledge that the Russians managed to produce an educated class that despised it's own country.  

Which led directly to the Communist Revolution under Lenin's promise of "Peace, land and bread."  

How did that work out for them?]

New York Times editor Dean Baquet on his views of New Orleans ...

Today's Little Lenin is Dean Baquet who is doing his best to smear those who cling to the Founders' vision of a Shining City on a Hill.  

Make no mistake, the current ruling class despises the founders.  In fact, the New York Times has started an entire alternative history in which the American Revolution was all about protecting slavery.  They call it the "1691 Project." 

This is Baquet's revenge for growing up in America and being made the Editor of it's most prestigious newspaper.   If you are white he hates you and wants you dead.

Return the favor. 
Memo to NYT Libel Merchants: The U.S. Military Is Not the Ku Klux Klan

The NYT editorial board chose Memorial Day weekend to smear the U.S. military with the Ku Klux Klan’s “blood-drenched tradition of racial terrorism.”

Maybe when they wrote “military” they meant to use “Democrats,” because as more people ought to know, the Klan was founded to serve as the Democratic Party’s shock troops against freed blacks in the South.

Pulling zero propaganda punches, the NYT’s banner art included an image of a white bullet with eyeholes cut out to look like a Ku Klux Klan hood.
 Ku Klux Klan

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