
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The New York Times despises the United States, the military, President Donald Trump and us.

They hate you and want to destroy you.  Make no mistake and be ready.
Memorial Day 2020, when we should all be mindful of and grateful for those who died on the battlefield under the flag of our nation, the New York Times has chosen to focus on racism in the military. Yesterday, the NYT published an article on the racist names of military installations “Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?”. Today, the paper published an article on the upper echelons of the military being too white, “African-Americans Are Highly Visible in the Military, but Almost Invisible at the Top”. Sow division on a day should inspire unity? That’s the Times.
and ...

Is there racism in the United States Military? Of course. There is racism everywhere from everyone. [Racism practically defines the New York Times] We all have our prejudices and bigotry. I conclude that the New York Times felt the NEED to use Memorial Day to attack the military twice because the U.S. Military is visible sign of the strength and resilience of the United States. The New York Times despises the United States, the military, President Donald Trump and us.

Read: Never before has a country's elite class despised it's own country this way.

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