
Friday, August 07, 2020

Entitled Public School Teachers Demand That They Continue To Be Paid for Not Coming to Work

 Ace of Spades has some downright righteous commentary.

I mentioned in the side-bar the secondary effects of shutting down restaurants. All of those bartenders and waiters and waitresses now have no money to spend, and businesses are now deprived of their custom.

 There's a much bigger knock-on attack on our economy: When schoolteachers refuse to, you know, teach at school, that means millions and millions of parents are forced to either remain home themselves to watch their kids instead of going to work. 

 The Gonzo Partisan Progressive teachers unions want this shutdown to be as economically destructive as possible, so they're insisting that we keep sending them their checks to not come to work, even as we deprive millions of parents their checks because now they can't go to work.

More than any other group during this pandemic, teachers unions have shown themselves to be abjectly selfish, hyper-political, and totally intransigent about teaching during the pandemic. They are willing to lie about the science behind COVID-19 transmission and shamelessly stoke fear to advance their partisan agenda. Just about the last thing these unions seem to care about is educating children or helping the country get back on its feet.


On Monday, an alliance of teachers unions and leftist groups in dozens of states staged a "National Day of Resistance," issuing a series of demands that they say must be met before their members will return to the classroom. What do they want? Rents and mortgages canceled, a "massive infusion of federal money" from "taxing billionaires and Wall Street," moratoriums on new charter schools and voucher programs and standardized tests, and of course "police-free schools," among other things.

Read the whole thing. 

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