
Friday, August 07, 2020

Soros backed NY Attorney General may just have handed the election to Donald Trump


On Thursday, New York's Attorney General, Letitia James, proudly announced that she had filed suit to "dissolve" the National Rifle Association. She also sued four NRA executives for damages. The basis for the suit is her claim that the NRA has been mismanaging donor funds. She was able to attack the NRA because the organization is registered in New York, where it was first chartered in 1871.


James got a lot of attention with her announcement, but it might not have been what she was expecting. Forward-looking Democrats demanded to know whether she was trying to help get Trump elected. Meanwhile, the NRA, which has been gaining 1,000 new members a day since the "defund the police" movement began, immediately filed a lawsuit against James, accusing her of defamation and seeking to squelch the organization's right to free speech...


It's no secret why James is going after the NRA. First, it was one of her campaign promises when she ran for Attorney General. In an October 2018 pre-election interview with Ebony magazine she attacked the NRA -- which protects Americans' Second Amendment rights -- as a "terrorist organization" (emphasis added).


The reason behind the lawsuit's timing is obvious. The NRA, recognizing the threat a hard-left Biden administration poses to the Second Amendment, vowed to spend tens of millions of dollars to help Trump win battleground states.


With his usual pithy flair, Trump spelled out what would happen if James's suit were to succeed: Just like Radical Left New York is trying to destroy the NRA, if Biden becomes President your GREAT SECOND AMENDMENT doesn't have a chance. Your guns will be taken away, immediately and without notice. No police, no guns!...

 However many millions of dollars she thought she could prevent the NRA from spending in swing states, she just provided at least an equal amount in an in-kind donation with that press conference. You better believe that not only Trump, but Republicans up and down the ticket are going to benefit hugely come November by yesterday's fiasco. Well, played, counselor. Well played! If Nazi collaborator and key insurrection financier George Soros bankrolled this dame's campaign, he got taken. Big time.

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