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Saturday, February 25, 2006

So, what to do when your own press corps cooperates with the enemy’s propaganda machine, not just out of fear but with enthusiasm?

I, for one, am terminally sick of it. But what to do? It’s not like I can call up CNN and say “hey, put me on the air and let me give you a damned good hiding, you rotten skank!”

Well, not with any degree of success, anyway.

Even if I phrase it “Could we have a program about the use of language in the WOT and how word choices have shaped the perception of terrorists and rogue regimes (as well as the West)?” I get a muttered “damn ditto-heads” and a dial tone.

Mind you, it’s hard to be that calm and rational when the bobble-heads on TV are licking the boots of whatever terror regime is in their sights at the moment.

Well put.

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