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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Obama: There's no such thing as shovel ready jobs.

From the NY Slimes (referring to an interview that he gave to Peter Baker): 
In the magazine article, Mr. Obama reflects on his presidency, admitting that he let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend Democrat,” realized too late that “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects” and perhaps should have “let the Republicans insist on the tax cuts” in the stimulus.
Sue in Frederick, MD comments: 
The $800,000B stimulus package was sold, repeatedly, as money that would provide private sector "shovel-ready jobs" to rebuild roads, bridges and "infrastucture". That morphed into "jobs created or saved" across the board in public and private. Morphing again into "saved jobs of teachers, police and firefighters" and "creating" new public sector jobs. Now after 20 months we need another stimulus to repair roads and bridges and to create construction jobs because there really is no such thing as "shovel-ready". Is it any wonder that the economy is floundering?
I told you that. 
Sue knows it. 
The question is: did Team Obama know it? 
If not, they were dumber than rocks. 
If yes, they lied. 
Pick one.

Here is what I said on June 12th
Note that most of the “stimulus” money has gone to public employees with the result that the public sector has actually grown while employment in the private sector has risen to devastating heights. This is not an accident. The concept of “shovel ready” public works projects has been long forgotten and was a bad joke even as it was being sold to the American public as the rationale for the various stimulus packages. In the modern bureaucratic world, there are virtually no “shovel ready” jobs that have not been funded years ago.
The rest of that post (Obama: Alien or Incompetent. Krauthammer vs. Rabinowitz.) is worth reading because none of it is dated, or has been proved incorrect.

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