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Friday, September 01, 2006

Palestinian Ambulance Explodes ... Again

A comment from the replies column:

Not only was the evil Zionist missile a new type that explodes without harming the interior of target vehicle, it carefully undoes the bolts holding the top light on before it penetrated the roof. Bastards!

But back to the story:


A righteous tip o’ the hat to Bonjour Triteness, who suggests a complete picture of the Red Cross ambulance attack may only be achieved by combining Martin Chulov’s two reports:

* The “first ambulance”, no. 782, was speeding in a convoy AND stationary;

* The six people on board the convoy were all severely injured except Shalin the driver AND only two were severely injured;

* Shalin was protected by the driver’s canopy AND by the vehicle’s rear ramp;

* The ambulance/convoy was struck by a rocket/s AND missile/s fired by an Apache helicopter that was also a drone;

* The missile pierced the centre of the red cross on ambulance 782 AND “an explosion thundered” into the ambulance;

* Shalin “remembers nothing” after the flash-bang-crunch of the crash AND he remembers that “then there was a battle for the next hour” and “we hid in a building convinced we were going to die”.

The Australian’s readers aren’t impressed:

And a final comment:
It’s time someone asks the question. How many innocent journalistic memes must you destroy with your sadistic quoting and Googling?

Just how many, Tim?

Ten? Twenty? A hundred?

How many innocent newborn media narratives must die, before Inspector Timbo Javert finally satisfies his insane lust for “accuracy” and “evidence” and “corroboration”?

At long last, can’t you just leave your fellow journalists to follow their own bliss toward the higher truth?

I will now leave you to introspect in shame. I have a PhotoShop class to attend.


Another comment:
Now, that’s what I call a smart bomb. Apparently the same evil Zionist weapon also immobilises the vehicle first, advises the occupants to get out at their leisure, gives them a cup of tea and scones for their trouble, sends them on their way, before penetrating the roof in the neatest and most symmetrical way possible, and then does not explode, so as not to inconveniently incinerate anyone or cause undue property damage. How good is this bomb? Not only is it smart, it’s polite and non-destructive. It’s a sensative, new-age, polite, smart bomb. I only wish I invented the fucking useless thing - I’d sell it like hot-cakes to the UN and make a mint.

O Insurgente readers, welcome. Please look around. I'm pleased to have you here.


Trying to resurrect their faked ambulance attack story, the Hezbos have introduced a SECOND ambulance, claiming that the first ambualnce wasn't the one hit with a rocket. It's obvious that the second one wasn't hit with a rocket either. Tim Blair has more. Dan Riehl succumbs to doubts, and begins to say really stupid things like why don’t the Israelis show video footage of them not attacking the ambulance.

1 comment:

Moneyrunner said...

Thanks, that was great!