In fact he is quite vociferous about it, characterizing Cal Thomas and Charles Krauthammer, the latter a Pulitzer Prize winner, as creators of straw men, unfairly characterizing Democrats as advocates of defeat in Iraq.
His foam flecked diatribe is a good simulation of outrage. He is shocked, shocked that the Democrats in congress who have advanced 40 bills to pull out of Iraq, yesterday, today or at the latest tomorrow, should be viewed as having a vested interest in our defeat.
He has yet to explain how Harry Reid’s statement that we have lost in Iraq is a desire to have the war go well. Or how Nancy Pelosi and John Murtha’s demand that we pull out of Iraq immediately is a desire for the US to win.
Or perhaps he overlooks the “Impeach Bush and Cheney” organizations with supporters like John Dean and many of the leading lights of the Democratic party.
But it’s funny. Until now, the Pilot pages have been nothing if not a drumbeat of defeat and retreat on Iraq. Its latest campaign is to paint the men working for Blackwater as murdering goons who wantonly kill innocent civilians for fun and profit.
But suddenly it appears that the “surge” is working and the Pilot does not want to be caught on the wrong side of history. It is said that victory has many fathers while defeat is an orphan. After having denounced the war in Iraq as the bastard child of the Bush administration, the Pilot editors are crowding into the waiting room telling everyone that they are the proud father.
What utter bullshit.
For an unvarnished view of the drive-by-media's opinion on the war and the troops, there's nothing more revealing than this exchange with Helen Thomas, "grande dame" of the Washington Press Corps:
Helen Thomas decided to get her feelings about the American military out into the open today:Q Why should we depend on him?.
MS. PERINO: Because he is the commander on the ground, Helen. He's the one who is making sure that the situation is moving —
Q You mean how many more people we kill?
MS. PERINO: Helen, I find it really unfortunate that you use your front row position, bestowed upon you by your colleagues, to make such statements. This is a — it is an honor and a privilege to be in the briefing room, and to suggest that we, at the United States, are killing innocent people is just absurd and very offensive.
Q Do you know how many we have since the start of this war?
MS. PERINO: How many — we are going after the enemy, Helen. To the extent that any innocent Iraqis have been killed, we have expressed regret for it.
Q Oh, regret. It doesn't bring back a life.
MS. PERINO: Helen, we are in a war zone, and our military works extremely hard to make sure that everyone has the opportunity for liberty and freedom and democracy, and that is exactly what they are doing.
I'm going to move on
Here's the video:
Stick that up your tailpipe Donny Boy.
Donny replied to me with a "QED" - referring to my final line "utter bullshit." I invite anyone to read his column of unsourced assertions and mine, in which I give examples of the Left's desire to declare defeat and retreat and tell me who is bullshitting whom.
Like many editorial writers and columnists, Donny is good at making assertions, he's just not good when it comes to debate because in a newspaper there is no debate. The printed page is a one-way medium and columnists and editorial writers are not forced to defend their position. Contrary opinions, via letters to the editor, are thrown away and the "conventional wisdom" as conceived by the editorial staff acts as a vast echo chamber, convincing them that they are right. It's what made the CNN debate in Florida such a parody. The CNN Libs have no idea what Conservatives are really interested in, so they bring out all their stick figure images of the Right: bible thumping, gun toting, Confederate flag waving, gay bashing Neanderthals. It's an attitude that spells the death of an industry that doesn't even want to try.