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Sunday, April 03, 2011

U.S. flag burning: OK...Koran burning: Restricted.

It appears that members of congress are re-thinking that "freedom of speech" thing.

“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says congressional lawmakers all are discussing taking some action in response to the Koran burnings of a Tennessee pastor that led to killings at the U.N. facility in Afghanistan and sparked protests across the Middle East, Politico reports. . . . Sen. Lindsey Graham said Congress might need to explore the need to limit some forms of freedom of speech, in light of Tennessee pastor Terry Jones’ Quran burning, and how such actions result in enabling U.S. enemies.”
The last time we had this conversation we defined “freedom of speech” as the right to dance in the nude, burn the flag, submerge a crucifix in urine, cover the Virgin Mary in dung, post pornography on the internet an occupy the Wisconsin State Capitol with a mob. Now is may have encountered a unique exception: burning a Koran.
“If only Terry Jones had submerged a Koran in a jar of urine, the entire world (or at least the Left) would have proclaimed this a great work of art. As for those who protested: bigots all.”

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