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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blind diversity equals death

It is easy and attractive for those of us on the Right to put the blame for the Fort Hood massacre at the feet of the Obama administration, but it would be wrong. Just as George Bush was not responsible for 9/11, the planning for that began long before he was inaugurated and the failure of our intelligence services was a legacy of the previous administration. But it happened on his watch. How he led the nation in reacting to it is his legacy and his responsibility. Following 9/11 part of the federal government went into full war mode and mass attacks on the homeland were averted.

But part of the government apparatus did not change its views of what constituted a threat, and that led to Fort Hood. Major Hasan is a legacy of political correctness conflated with multiculturalism that is truly deadly. How the Obama administration reacts to that will determine its legacy in the war declared by radical Islam.

The Army’s death grip on “diversity” as articulated by Army Chief of Staff Casey got us to this point and will not fix the problem. Homeland Security Chief Napolitano’s expression of concern was for Muslims and the always feared but never seen “backlash.” Attorney General Holder is not sending out federal marshals to protect vulnerable targets as he did after the killing of an abortion doctor. Instead he’s going to address the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism financing case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.

And finally Mr. Obama himself is setting the tone of his administration – and the tone of the MSM reports on the attack on our soldiers by calling it “inexplicable.”

It's not. Michelle Malkin has it right ...

The violence at Fort Hood, President Obama told mourners on Tuesday, was "incomprehensible." The "twisted logic that led to the tragedy," he reiterated, may be "too hard to comprehend." If the Bush administration suffered a systemic failure of imagination on homeland security, the Obama administration is suffering a willful failure of comprehension.

What exactly is so hard to comprehend? Fort Hood jihadist Maj. Nidal Hasan made his means, motives and inspiration all too clear for those willing to see and hear. In his 2007 slide presentation to fellow Army doctors on "The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the Military," Hasan spelled it out: "We love death more then (sic) you love life!"

The Bush administration saw that we had a problem with Islamic terrorism and changed policy that kept the Homeland safe for the rest of his term. Major Hasan is proof that that policy was not airtight. Bush changed part of the culture, but not all of the culture and that was what allowed Major Hasan to commit his act of Jihad. From all appearances the Obama administration does not see any problem with the security measures that we have in place. The biggest issue they see before them is insuring that the American people do not offend our Muslim friends.

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