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Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Experience with The Other McCain

Robert Stacy McCain blogs as “The Other McCain” and is a freelance writer. And a very good one.

I recently wrote a little essay after reading at Ann Althouse that she believed that her decision to vote for Obama was reasonable. She was not caught up in all the hype … oh, no … her reasons for voting for Obama were well thought out, as she put it: "a rational choice."

Anyway, I decided to e-mail McCain my essay and he wrote back that I was being much too gentle; that she needed to be mocked. It appears that a professional wordsmith is much better at it than me and he proceeded to eviscerate Althouse.

I have to admit that I enjoyed the lesson in really gutting and filleting another blogger. It also told me that I am too gentle when dealing with people that I admire for some of their other work. Ann Althouse is an example of someone who is in the right place at the right time and with the right tools to bring the bare knuckles of the political fight in Wisconsin to life. McCain is an example of a great writer who has the courage of his convictions and is willing to put himself out there in expressing them.

Plus, I got a lot of hits … with never a mention by Glenn Reynolds.


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