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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Mark Steyn: Who's Making the Variants?


What does that mean? Well, everyone except the brain-dead and the more aggressive interns of Ofcom's fact-checkers now accepts that the Covid came from a lab leak. How long is it since you've heard anyone even on MSNBC or Facebook say the word "pangolin" with a straight face? But Messrs Tanaka and Miyazawa have taken it to the next level:...

What "synonymous" means in this context is that normally, when something mutates naturally, it does so mostly in ways that don't change the nature of the original: hence, such mutations are merely synonymous. When you have a "synonymous/non-synonymous ratio" as "abnormal" as that of the Covid variants, that means they are not occurring naturally:...In other words, not only did the Covid come from a lab, but so did the variants:..

But why would anyone do such a thing?...

Well, that's the question, isn't it? It's just about possible to believe that the original strain escaped from the lab accidentally. But is it possible to believe that every artificially created variant from Alpha to Omicron also escaped from the lab accidentally whenever the Covid showed signs of flagging? ...

Someone, somewhere, really is doing all this deliberately.

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