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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What the "Arab Spring" is Really All About

Palestinian Al-Jazeera Producer in Qatari Daily: Time For the End of the 'Great Lie' Israel

"It's time for Israel to go, along with its tales and legends. It's time for the end of the great lie that has destroyed everything and poisoned relations between the Arabs and the West. It's time [for it] to go because the regimes protecting this entity are going; [indeed,] those that protect the borders of this artificial entity are toppling one by one. It has no choice but to go.

"They have taken their fair share of our blood, and they must dig up their graves and go, as Palestine's greatest poet, Mahmoud Darwish, has said. The Jews in Palestine, the occupiers and the colonialists, have no choice but to go, as the Palestinian will not accept any alternative to his homeland and soil, even if he is given the whole [rest of the] world.
Not since "Mein Kampf" has a punch been so blatantly telegraphed. 

This will not end well. Read the whole thing.

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