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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Are the North Koreans and Iran Jointly Developing Nuclear Weapons?

In Captain’s Quarters there is some very interesting analysis about the North Koreans decision to come back to the bargaining table. The reason seems to be money. The NKs are running out thanks to American pressure on their international bankers.

One comment that followed this analysis was intriguing because it is so very plausible:

The Iranians intended to do all their atomic testing and design in Korea. That just hit me when the Washington Times leak came out about U.S. Plans to go medieval on the DPRK atomic apparatus. We would wake up one day with six or seven plutonium bombs on Shahab III warheads aimed at Israel and Western Europe without there never having once been an atomic test in Iran. Kim benefits from any joint results of Iranian-funded programs. Everyone wins, except the Jooooos, of course. Moving the weaponization research to the DPRK keeps it away from the prying eyes of the Mossad, who probably do not have any assets in the DPRK.

Iran is crawling with Mossad, and has been since the Shah's time. So you can see why the Iranians would want to move things around.

That's why Bush, Condi, and Rumsfeld are moving now. They're on to the scam. The question is, why are the Chinese cooperating? Or are they? Have we told them that we are acting unilaterally if they don't play ball?

This has everything to do with the next chapter of the Israeli/Hezbollah war. There are reasons for our seeming passivity in Iraq and the halting diplomacy. North Korea is about to be cut off in the east. Syria will be taken care of in the West due to the stupidity of the Boy President, so eager is he to seize the Golan with missile barrages. The intent is to leave the once-very confident Persians isolated.

This makes a great deal of sense. The Iranians are afloat in oil revenue. The NKs are trying to raise cash by counterfeiting and the production of illicit drugs. What better way to earn money than to set up a joint venture with Iran in the development and production of nukes? Why do it separately when you can do it together? That way the NKs earn money and the Iranians get a nuke without ever testing a nuke.

That source of revenue is now drying up thanks to China closing the banking window to the NKs. That means that we can delay or stop the Iranian weapons program by disarming NK, killing two birds with one stone.

If this proves to be true, George Bush will be right up there with Reagan in terms of geopolitical acumen.

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