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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dog Bites Man: The AP Lies In an Alaskan Bridge Story

Keeping this one for future reference. From Powerline:

The Associated Press has taken a new tack in its assault on Governor Sarah Palin: she supports the construction of a bridge!

Gov. Sarah Palin may eventually have said "no thanks" to a federally funded Bridge to Nowhere.
But a bridge to her hometown of Wasilla, that's a different story.

A $600 million bridge and highway project to link Alaska's largest city to Palin's town of 7,000 residents is moving full speed ahead, despite concerns the bridge could worsen some commuting and threaten a population of beluga whales.

The AP views this as a contradiction, apparently on the assumption that one must either support all bridges, or none. That's a bizarre theory; it seems rather obvious that some bridges are a good idea, while others are not.

The problem is that the bridge, in fact, is not designed to help Wasilla residents reach Anchorage more quickly. Read it all and look at the maps.

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