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Saturday, November 06, 2010

Blame Bush

Now that the midterm election is over and "Blame Bush" has been temporarily shelved - sure to be resurrected shortly - is there anything that Obama and his enablers have not blamed George Bush for?

Let me count the ways.

George Bush is responsible for the bad economy, for the Obama deficit, for out-of-control spending, for cutting taxes for the rich, for the bailouts, for unemployment, for deregulation, for you losing your home, for 17 pregnant teens in Gloucester, for the Gulf oil spill, for the way the war is going in Afghanistan, for not closing Guantanamo, for the coal mine disaster in West Virginia and the Christmas Day airline bombing, for a stupid American public, for Obama failing to get the 2016 Olympics, for Scott Brown’s win in Massachusetts, for the Somali pirates, for the heartbreak of psoriasis … and much, much more.

Paul Krugman, of course, believes that Obama does not blame Bush enough. But that’s just Krugman being Krugman … sort of like Biden being Biden when he says something so stupid that even his acolytes on the Left who revere him as an elder statesman throw up in their mouths.

There are things for which Obama does not blame Bush, instead he takes credit for winning in Iraq. Of course I predict with absolute certainty that, should the situation there deteriorate, he will blame Bush.

Now the blame for the Democrats electoral defeat is being laid at the feet of … George Bush;  here's Trudeau's Doonesbury:

Reagan had a better and much funnier way of dealing with his mistakes.

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