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Saturday, July 09, 2011

The UN's Plan for You: Poor, Cold and Smelly.

Via Small Dead Animals: Come Back, al-Qaeda

You missed a spot.

If you think al-Qaeda's objective of taking over and imposing a dark-age on the world in the name of Allah was a one-off, the UN's plan for you is eerily similar in the name of Climate Change. Among other things they think that living on $10,000 per year is plenty. And if that means that air conditioning and hot water for showers is out, that's exactly the objective. As for heat in winter, get out your sweaters and long johns because your energy ration won't heat your house. However, I have the funny feeling that the "energy czars" at the UN will have the resources they need (the heat, the light, the A/C, the food, limos and the private jets) to control you, because they work soooo hard for you.

James Delingpole at the UK Telegraph
What’s amazing about this stuff – and believe me, there’s plenty more where this came from – is the unblushing shamelessness with which it advocates this economic insanity. Here is the world’s most powerful intergovernmental institution essentially arguing for the destruction of the global economy, enforced rationing, Marxist wealth redistribution, greater regulation, the erosion of property rights and global governance by a new world order of technocrats and bureaucrats. And being so upfront about it they actually issue press releases, telling us what they’re planning to do and encouraging us to write about it.

This is the thing that amazed while I was researching my book Watermelons. If the global green movement is any kind of conspiracy, then it’s a conspiracy in plain sight. The people in power who are advancing its agenda – be it President Obama’s house eco-activists John Holdren and Carol Browner, Green MP Caroline Lucas, and all those faceless apparatchiks at the UN and the EU – make absolutely no bones about what it is that they want to do to save the world from the peril of “Climate Change”: the end of Industrial Civilisation.
One of the objectives of the Left (and by that I mean especially the Obama administration) is to transfer more power to the UN and other transnational organizations. The adventure in Libya is exhibit "A," a NATO effort where the US military was essentially "lent" to that organization for the purpose of aiding a revolution in that country.

But these international organizations are essentially run by an assembly of kleptocrats whose primary objective is to translate their power over their dirt-poor countries into power over the entire world.  This press release by the UN is an excellent example.

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