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Friday, August 21, 2015

“Callous, Selfish, Afraid, and Stupid: The Story of Western Civilization in the 21st Century.”

The Blaze: Matt Walch on Planned parenthood and the culture.

The latest Planned Parenthood video is out. This time, it’s revealed that living babies with beating hearts are being sold and dissected.

One might think this is big news. One might think this is the biggest news going on right now. One might think the whole country should stop in its tracks and focus intently on this story. One might think that any decent human being would be overcome by a bitter, violent, passionate anger at these Planned Parenthood revelations. One might think we’d all be moved to do something. Do something, damn it. Do something.

But one is clearly not familiar with how this country works. Indeed, the first couple of Planned Parenthood videos garnered some interest, but the large collection of bored, emasculated narcissists in our culture have responded with an increasingly loud yawn with each successive installment.

If polls are to be believed, Planned Parenthood is actually still a pretty popular organization, and out of the people who saw the videos, less than half now have a more negative opinion of the child butchers.

Less than half.

Dear God, forgive us.

Of course, the media hasn’t helped matters. If you rely on mainstream “journalists” for your information, you probably didn’t hear a single word about the most recent footage, even though it contains blockbuster, earth-shattering news. You’ve likely been inundated with stories about Donald Trump and maybe Hillary Clinton, but not the continued wholesale slaughter and sale of infants.

... it’s interesting that Jared Fogle is being arrested for child porn at all. It’s legal to execute children and use their bodies for medical research, so why exactly is it illegal to use their bodies as sex objects? When it comes to vile, wretched, despicable creatures, child pornographers and Planned Parenthood employees are clearly in the same subspecies. What’s the moral reasoning behind funding one and locking the other in prison?

Read the whole thing.

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