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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Summary of Virginian Pilot Editorial page 2/1/2018

Editorial: Editors demand economic growth; clueless about how to get it.  [Sad, but that's what you get from the "brain trust" at the Virginian Pilot]
Op Ed:  Employers who don't want to hire the mentally ill are bad, and so are the tests that weed them out.
Letters to the editor:

Kimberle Rizzo:  Mentally ill woman wants Trump exiled to remote island in the Pacific.
Joe Duffy: believes people with jobs in the energy business are doing "dirty deeds."  Blames Trump.
Sebastian Kuhn: Republican deficits bad, Democrat deficits good. [Reflecting what he reads in the Virginian Pilot]
Holt M. Livesay: pretty good analogy about immigration [how did this get printed in the Virginian Pilot?]
Dihann Geier: some countries are Shit hole Countries; call them what they are.  [get ready for shrieks of outrage that are sure to get printed]
Don't thank me, I'm making the sacrifice of reading the Virginian Pilot  [motto:  "True to the Democratic Party in victory or defeat."]   so you won't have to.

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