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Sunday, April 15, 2018


With all the tender concern President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have been heaping on "Dreamers" of late, you'd think the media would notice and pepper us with stories about these "incredible kids," as Trump calls them. Alas, no. Our tedious media drones refuse to provide us with moving human interest stories about the Dreamers.

Journalists and politicians love to give us archetypes: the DACA soldier, the DACA valedictorian, the DACA grandmother. But there are so many other roles they fill!

To make up for the Fourth Estate's failure, this week, I'll highlight five Dreamers who have done noteworthy things just in the last month.

The Bounceback Child Rapist

A few weeks ago, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement caught up with Dreamer Anastacio Eugenio Lopez-Fabian, 24, in a courthouse parking lot in Oregon. Police in Seaside, Oregon, had arrested Lopez-Fabian for multiple rapes of a girl "younger than 14," assault and harassment.

Law enforcement then released Lopez-Fabian the day of his arrest, without notifying I.C.E., despite the fact that he had already been deported twice to his native Guatemala, in 2013 and 2014.

Apart from conservative websites -- and Britain's indispensable Daily Mail! -- this story made only the local press.

Read the rest... 

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