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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Donald Trump is not Hitler. But the media is doing Hitler’s work.

Just as it is the same with our presses and media, arguably Hitler didn’t pursue his agenda with conscious malice. Hitler, like the media, assumed he held the moral high ground. And as Hitler sincerely believed he was placed on earth to implement his semi divine vision of the Third Reich, the media today believes it is their self-anointed duty to direct the masses into falling in line with their ideologies. Gone are the days of objective reporting. Most of journalism today focuses on opinion bending.

And similar to Hitler, the outcome from the media’s agenda is just the same. Polarization and dehumanization. As Hitler orchestrated men against one another, our media today divides and inflames. According to the Nazis, the Jews were monsters for destroying Germany. According to the media, Ivanka is a monster for throwing images of her happy family in the face of immigrants whose families are separated by authorities. Or, Illegal immigrants are monsters for throwing their children into the arms of coyotes trafficking human cattle across the border.

We in the free society are reliant upon our free press to deliver the news and information necessary to keep us informed. We should however, be reliant on our own judgement to understand how to analyze the messages and narratives we receive from them. Just as Hitler’s delusional rally for his blessed Third Reich should have been ignored, the media’s sanctimonious delusion of moral righteousness should be irrelevant to us.

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