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Friday, June 29, 2018

Little House on the Racist Prairie

How long until Laura Ingalls Wilder's books are not just banned but burned?

It means the modern Left isn't afraid of anything in their effort to fundamentally transform America. No target is too beloved by Americans to slow these gangsters down. No hill is too high for them to climb. No matter how many millions and millions of Americans love the Little House books and the 1970s TV series, the Left will target it -- and anything else that promotes core American values of self-reliance, independence, and endless possibilities.

The ALSC seeks to airbrush Wilder out of our American consciousness for two proffered justifications: the treatment of Indians in the books, and a minstrel show that appears in Little Town on the Prairie....

Lindsay's ALSC is no longer about having books on library shelves to check out. The ALSC is about politics. Lindsay wants librarians to be “media mentors” to direct “caregivers” on how they can “access and evaluate information.” Lindsay’s “Reading While White” blog pushes every demeaning, race-obsessed, deconstructive idea the nut-Left has invented recently -- microaggressions, unconscious racism, white guilt, the necessity of capitalizing the “W” in white, and on and on -- into the deepest, darkest fringe of dehumanizing racial psychosis.

In disappearing one of the most quintessentially American authors and the Little House series, Lindsay’s gang is off to a great start. A cursory visit to the pathologies in their online world make you wonder why they didn’t disappear Wilder’s Little House sooner. You better order copies for your kids and grandchildren before they get their way.

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