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Thursday, February 09, 2006


The Left is not actually irreligious. They have a faith that is as deep and profound as the most committed snake handler and poison drinker. Their faith is in the saintliness of judges. Consider the Democrats’ position regarding the NSA data mining operation. It began with a cry of outrage. It has now been reduced to the acquiescence of its continuation, just as long as it is blessed by the sacred hand of a judge. The position of the Left is now reduced to: spy on me without judicial blessing and it’s a sin, spy on me with judicial blessing and your legal virginity is restored.

Keep in mind that these paragons of ethical purity upheld slavery (Dred Scott), upheld segregation (Plessy vs. Ferguson), decreed that growing wheat for your own use involved interstate commerce (Wickard vs. Filburn), blessed sending over 100,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry to concentration camps (Korematsu v. United States) , and had no problem determining that aborting your child was a private matter and could be done until the child had completely left the mother’s body (Roe v. Wade).

And they talk about the blind faith of Christians.

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