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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Biden's Charitable Gifts Total 0.2% (That's right, a fraction of one percent)

Keep in mind that the story that sparked this analysis was from the Washington Post with the headline:

Biden Releases His Tax Returns

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic vice presidential nominee, released 10 years of tax returns yesterday, attempting to put fresh pressure on his Republican counterpart to release her tax records.

Biden (D-Del.) and his wife, Jill Biden, reported a gradually increasing income over the past decade, though nothing approaching the wealth of other members of the Senate. The couple earned a combined $206,969 in 1999, and $248,754 in 2007, largely from Biden's Senate salary and from both of their teaching careers.

Other than that, we learn absolutely nothing about what was actually in Biden’s tax returns because the “tax return” release was really the springboard for Post reporters Lyndsey Layton and Matthew Mosk to move on to Sarah Palin and an attack on her per-diem expenses.

So where do we go to find out a little more about what was in those tax returns? Well we have Newsbusters:

60% of Washington Post's Biden Tax Story Devoted to Palin

Democratic VP nominee Joe Biden's Friday release of his tax returns embarrassingly revealed, according to a Bloomberg item in Saturday's Boston Globe, that Biden and his wife have, over the past ten years, donated a piddling “two-tenths of 1 percent” of their income to charities, but Saturday's Washington Post article didn't mention that and instead allocated six of ten paragraphs to how “progressive groups...want to determine whether [Sarah] Palin skirted tax obligations.” (In the middle of a paragraph deep into its story, Saturday's New York Times reported the mere “$995 in gifts to charities” by the Bidens in 2007, but made no further note of it.)

In the Post article, “Biden Releases His Tax Returns,” reporters Lyndsey Layton and Matthew Mosk pointed out how Biden is the “poorest” U.S. Senator, and then pivoted to Palin.

Read the whole thing ... it doesn't get any better than this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden needs to become more patriotic himself by giving more than 0.2% to charity before taking more taxes from us