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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Fecund in command

Mark Steyn at NRO:
As National Review's in-house demography bore, I've been struck this last week by the left's fierce hostility to Sarah Palin's fecundity. One gentleman - well, okay, maybe not a "gentleman" but certainly an impeccably sensitive progressive new male - wrote to me from Shelton, Washington:

This abortion prohibitionist hag won’t cut it among women with brains.And BTW she is a good example of reproduction run amok. 5 kids; 1 retard. I wonder if the bitch ever heard of getting spayed.

Each to her own, Mister Sensitive. You can be a 44-year old mother of five expecting her first grandchild and serving as Governor of Alaska. Or you can be, like Martha Stewart's daughter Alexis, a 43-year old single "career woman" hosting a satellite radio show and spending $28,000 a month on "intracytoplasmic sperm injection" in hopes of becoming pregnant. Every woman has the "right to choose" her own path through life, but it's a lazy assumption to take for granted that most Americans find Sarah Palin's choices as freakish as our metropolitan elites do.

What was it the feminists used to say? "You can have it all." Sarah Palin is a mom, and the first female governor of her state. But the enforcers at the National Organization of Women dismiss her as "more a conservative man than she is a woman".

Golly. These days, NOW seems to have as narrow and proscriptive a view of what women are permitted to be as any old 1950s sitcom dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the ultimate farce. The ultimate hypocrisy foisted on women. The mantra is choice. Sarah chose to have five children, she chose not to abort Trig when she knew he was Downs. These "enlightened" people would advise her to destroy her unborn infant, and if accidently born alive, Senator Obama would be in favor of throwing that living infant in a corner without medical intervention until it expired because it would burden the original intent to abort. This is the compassionate left who would impose their values on the rest of us. These are the enlightened ones who have moral superiority over the rest of us poor shmucks who need them to lead us to the promised land.

Sarah Palin, together with her supportive husband, chose her family, she chose her involvement in politics, and has been highly successful in both. And you know what else, she seems very happy, which is more than I can say for her critics.