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Monday, September 01, 2008

Fowler Fouls: Hurricane is God's Favor to Democrats

If you think it’s funny and just great, that New Orleans is going to get hit with another hurricane, you must be a Democrat.

Video and sound of former National Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Don Fowler and Congressman John Spratt of South Carolina.

For example, they made fun of Sarah Palin for several minutes, Fowler calling her "Dan Quayle" on steroids and Spratt creatively describing her as "just terrible." They both agreed that, "Other than the simple fact that she's a female," she has nothing to offer.

Then there was this gem of a moment from Fowler:

So you see, it's funny. That New Orleans will get a hurricane. That's funny because it is due to hit when President Bush is scheduled to speak. Isn't that cool?
Fowler isn't the only one who thinks so, just ask Michael Moore.

We all know Democrats used and use Katrina as a political football as callously as possible. Here's a candid moment showing some can hardly wait for another one.

Fowler had to apologize, and lied about the reasons for his remarks. Listen to his remarks again and see if you hear any reference to Falwell.

Then read his apology again and be prepared to get nauseated with the heavy helping of oleaginous “god talk” he is serving.

And according to ABC News:
"One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase,"

Doesn't sound very sorry about his remarks to me.

But trying to get dirty pictures of your opponent is highly principled? Apparently that's part of the Democrat playbook now.

Glenn Reynolds notes that

...the apology came before the story was picked up by the traditional media. It was just blogs and Drudge, but it forced a public apology.

It’s either an indication of the declining power of the drive-by-media or the increasing power of the blogosphere. And it may be the refutation of the old media’s incessant claim that the blogosphere is dependent on the MSM for news. At some point a tipping point will be reached and then the trapdoor will really spring on the old media.

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