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Tuesday, September 09, 2008


From the NY Post

He almost wrecked Barack Obama's presidential dreams, and now firebrand pastor Jeremiah Wright has helped destroy a Dallas church worker's marriage - and her job, The Post has learned.

Elizabeth Payne, 37, said she had a steamy sexual affair with the controversial, racially divisive man of the cloth while she was an executive assistant at a church headed by a popular Wright protégé.

When word of the unholy alliance got out, Payne's husband dumped her, and she was canned from the plum job at Friendship-West Baptist Church, she told The Post.

"I was involved with Rev. Wright, and that's why I lost my job and why my husband divorced me," Payne said.

Glenn Reynolds:
Good grief.


Anonymous said...

Friendship-West Baptist Church...lmao

I go to Friendship-West Baptist Church and its in Dallas, Tx.

And Rev. Wright is my uncle and he has been in Africa for the past 3 months...I just spoke with him last week and I know he has never been to my church...and no one at my church has been "let goin years"

but this was a good try at being funny though.

Here's something true about Obama you might like though.

Moneyrunner said...


You may just want to click on the link. I'm not making this up. It was printed in the NY Post along with a picture of the woman in question.