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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama's teleprompter hits the trail

From CNN!

(CNN) — It appears Barack Obama's teleprompter is hitting the campaign trail.

The Democratic presidential nominee has never tried to hide the fact he delivers speeches off the device, though normally he doesn't use one at standard campaign rallies and town hall events.

But the Illinois senator used a teleprompter at both his Colorado events Monday — making for a particularly peculiar scene in Pueblo, where the prompter was set up in the middle of what is normally a rodeo ring.

It seems that Obama's soaring rhetoric is not impromptu. Well, no one thought it was. But most politicians can speak in rallies and town hall events using their well memorized slogans and talking points. The problem for Obama is that he tries too hard to be "cute" and when he does, it backfires. The other problem is that his "natural" talking points and beliefs were designed for the kind of audience that cheers at Reverend Wright's sermons. That sort of thing does not go over well in the rest of America, so his "impromptu" speeches are filled with "uh" and "umm" and other interrupters that people use when they are trying to choose their words to appeal to their audience, to tell them what they want to hear instead of speaking from the heart or from conviction.

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