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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pervert on Parade: The Voice in the Democrats' Heads

From Vanderleun:

Now I'm no fan of Michael Savage, but I'm coming around to his basic thesis that "Liberalism is a mental disorder" like a kid on a JATO-assisted merry-go-round.

Submitted for your examination, five minutes with one of the creepiest Obamatrons to be found on YouTube. He calls himself, wait for it... freedomanddemocracy, but undoubtedly has some extremely free views about "seshual education."

The voice itself, moist and tongue-sucking, is the first indication we've stumbled into some sort of space that no child should ever be allowed to visit -- even with armed bodyguards. Mark well the cloying pronunciation begins with soft but jarring locutions such as "Turd Point." Then listen as semi-whispering tone and the slow metronomic pace as the strange thoughts struggle up from the sludge of his soul to writhe like erupting tapeworms from his softly flapping tongue.... but I digress.

For those that wonder, "What can possibly be going on in the minds of those Obamatrons," this video lets you listen in to the still, small, and relentlessly soul dead whispers. Be warned that you may not be able to endure the whole five minutes. And I don't blame you. I only went through it three times as a public service.

Within the first 30 seconds of this odd monologue I thought that I might be in the presence of NAMBLAS FOR OBAMA's charman. Now I'm not so sure, but if any parents out there spot this man in their neighborhood, alert the authorities and do not let him near the sandbox. Not even the one used by your cats.

Definitely an Obama supporter. Along with Cintra Wilson.
I thought that it could not get any worse than Bill Ayers, Rev,. Wright and Tony Rezko. Obama attracts an entire menagerie of sick and repulsive adherents and followers.

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