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Saturday, March 07, 2009


Jonah Goldberg:

'WE are the ones we've been waiting for," Barack Obama proclaimed many times during the campaign. He and his throngs of supporters preened in the glow of their own righteousness like cats in a puddle of sunlight. They were for "shared sacrifice" and a "new era of responsibility." They wanted to put aside the "old politics" and the "tired arguments" of the past.

Well, where are those people now? Obama brags - albeit dishonestly - that he's only raising taxes on rich people. Ninety-five percent of the American people will get a tax cut, he insists.

Well, which is it? Do the times demand shared sacrifice from us all, or from just 5 percent of us?

If I tell 10 co-workers, "We all need to chip in together to get this done," and then say, "So, Todd, open your wallet and give five bucks to everyone else in the room," it would sound ridiculous. But when Obama says the same thing to 300 million Americans, it's called "leadership."

Don't worry Jonah, the other 95% have already lost their share via the Obama Bear Market. Leadership you can believe in. It's the Chicago way.

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