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Friday, May 01, 2009

The Mainstream Media: "Schoolgirls in love."

Greg Gutfeld on the Obama news conference:
So after weeks of delving deeper and deeper into Miss California’s thoughts on social issues, we now turn to last night’s press conference, where one reporter preferred to serve up a question suited more for a pageant than a President.

For the video of the question, click here.
Well, someone definitely is enchanted - beguiled and bewitched by a wizard whose spell renders anyone not immune to “The More You Know” commercials to the emotional state of a fawning school girl.

It’s a credit to Obama that even he had to openly acknowledge the convoluted question from Jeff Zeleny, the New York Times reporter - for it was something Barbara Walters would have posed to Barbara Streisand in 1979, right after asking her what kind of tree she would be, if she could be a tree.

(I think she said “spruce”)

So how do you get to a point where a reporter actually feels compelled to ask such a question? It takes two things.

-one: obsession. Remember the Sandra Bernhard character in King of Comedy? Well, that’s the press personified, and Obama is Jerry Langford. I`m beginning to think that many in the press have collages of Obama hanging inside their lockers. Chris Matthews, I hear, has created an Obama love doll in his garage. For a magical thrill, it’s hooked up to a car battery.

-two, acquiescence. The press completely buys into Obama’s worldview, because it`s theirs too. So it’s not really media bias. It’s “me” bias. He is them. Them is…he, if you pardon my grammar. Fact is, the press has always believed the world needs a healthy dose of fairness - meaning other people deserve your money. And that fits nicely with Obama’s main goal - to create a world where all of us are truly equal - by talking up dreams, but leveling achievement.

It’s a surprise that Zeleny didn’t ask Obama to sign his dream journal, which later, he could decorate with hearts. Pink hearts, with arrows in them!

If anyone wants to comment on the gender of the reporter, feel free.

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