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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why Rush Must Sue

A worthwhile thought. Remember, you need to hit back twice as hard.


thisishabitforming said...

I just watched the less than honorable Representative Sheila Jackson Lee not be able to tell the difference between a job created and a job already held, but non the less, it is her humble opinion from the House floor to declare Rush should not be able to be part owner of a football team because "football brings us together".
Its true the line of scrimmage does bring people together but I don't think its the way Ms Lee references it.
Some time ago Senator Harry Reid tried to squelch Rush with a letter and Rush turned it into a multi million dollar gain by auctioning the letter on Ebay to raise money for college education for the children of Marines killed in action.
I am trusting Rush's fertile mind will find a way to also turn this lemon into lemonade. Go Rush.

Matthew Noto said...

If he did sue, he'd be a bigger Civil Rights Hero than Rosa Parks ever was.

This man has been denied the right to engage in free enterprise, never mind how badly he's been publicly slandered.

Rush is punsihed for questioning the athletic ability and talent (justifiably!)of Donovan McNabb, but no one has ever punished Jesse for "Hymietown", or Al for "White Interlopers"?

And the people who screamed the loudest are the most pampered, over-paid, over-privleged people on the face of the planet (professional athletes)? What has this world come to?