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Thursday, April 08, 2010

here is the free health care plan info that I got directly from the White House website

The health care plan does not come fully in effect until 2014. In 2014, you will get your free health care plan delivered by a unicorn — which is yours to keep FREE just as Obama promised. When you stroke the unicorn’s horn, it should crap rainbows. If it doesn’t crap rainbows, we will have a hotline setup for unicorn troubleshooting. Also, if you are not satisfied with your free health care, we have another number you can call and we’ll send someone to your house to explain to you why you should be satisfied and maybe shake you and yell at you a bit.

Explanation soon to be published in the Virginian Pilot. And if you don't shut up, we'll give you a pain pill for your cancer.

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