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Friday, May 06, 2011

Screwed enough already

During that Slut Walk that is now going global, I thought that "No means No!" chanting would be so much more credible if its advocates then equally respected the "No!" said by other people, such as "No, I don't want to pay higher taxes so that you and your friends could have more generous welfare cheques", "No, I don't want to eradicate national borders just so that you could have thrilling exotic vibrancy in the streets and cheaper servants to clean your toilets", or "No, I am not going to stop shopping at Wal-Mart just because you resent normal people with families and jobs". I also wonder if I am the only person to have noticed the again-almost-comical similarity between the Slut Walk marches (which are beloved by the proglos) and the Tea Party marches (which the proglos despise and sneer at): "We have the right to fully control our [bodies | earnings] and do whatever we want with them, and you are not entitled to forcefully redistribute them for yourself and your pals just because you happen to be a loser who can't get [laid | a job]!"

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